Friday, June 3, 2011

Help me decide.

 I like both of these color combinations as bottle stoppers but I'm trying to decide which color combination should become a future pepper mill.  #1 is one layer each of orange, teal, blue & purple.  #2 is one layer each of brown, natural & green.  In both cases the color combinations repeat over and over.

How often do you get to help a company decide it's future products?  Well, you do now.  So your vote counts.  Get all of your friends and family involved, too.  The more votes the better, so please pass this on to everyone.  Please tell me which color combination you like better, #1 or #2.  I'll keep track of the votes and let everyone know the people's choice on Monday.  Thanks for your help.



Al said...

I think #2, it seems to me it would fit in with a greater variety of decor, and seems a little more 'gentle'. That's my taste, and business thinking. By the way I ordered another laminate. I think they will sell!

Kim Dailey said...

Al, Thanks for your insight and I'll record your vote. Same colors again or something different this time? More candlesticks or are you expanding into other things? And did you ever get the ornament you were going to make from the laminated wood finished?